Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Promised Video

Here it is, the video we captured of Caleb telling us the story of how he broke my cow pepper shaker. This video is mostly me prompting him to tell it, but just prior to the camera coming out, he had told in detail to Jonathan the entire story. Of course it went much like this:
...incoherent babble..."cow" (pointing at the cow)
...blah blah.."boom, crash" (waving hand on the floor)
...babble..."trash" (pointing at the trash can)
...more babble..."truck" (pointing outside at the curb)

Hopefully you can get the idea from the video. It was much cuter the first time but we weren't quick enough to catch it on video. Still, I'm pretty impressed that he remembered the incident so well like a week later.


Grandma Waugh said...

Too cute. Has he touched the cow(s) again?

elisha said...

Nope, he only points at them and touches the floor like you see in the video. He hasn't touched them again at all.

Kaylee's Gramma said...

Keep the videos coming. We feel like we could reach out and hug Caleb from here. We're looking forward to "big brother" movies too!! We so love being part of your lives. Mary Jane and Jerry