Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 21, 2008

wishing i had a video camera in the car

Caleb did this hilarious thing in the car on the way home from day care yesterday, and I wished I had a video camera because he was cracking me up. I'm not sure I'll be able to convey the story written as well as it would be if I were telling it out loud, but I'll try.

So Caleb has this maraca that counts and says the colors of the rainbow and stuff in both English and Spanish. He had it in the car and turned it on, and it was saying the colors in Spanish. He was shaking it for awhile and grinning and having fun, then I guess he got bored with it and dropped it on the floor. It was still going, so the whole rest of the ride home, we heard "rojo...naranja...amarillo..." etc. Well, after a few times through, whenever it would say "naranja" Caleb would say "ba blah blah" with the same intonation as the toy. Then he started laughing and just going "bluh bluh bluh bluh" you know, like sticking his tongue out and saying nonsense stuff. It was SO funny! I guess he was trying to say that Spanish just sounds like nonsense to him!

Anyway, I was laughing so hard and he just kept on doing it the whole way home. He's so funny sometimes. It's good to know he has a sense of humor. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Great Aunt Barb Visits

Here are some cute pictures from when my Dad's sister, Barb, came from Texas to visit us over the weekend. We had a good time and we're really glad she could come to hang out with us.

Here they are playing with Mr. Potato Head:

And here's Barb with Caleb and his cousin Kathryn when we drove up to see Eric and Jennifer's house:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Promised Video

Here it is, the video we captured of Caleb telling us the story of how he broke my cow pepper shaker. This video is mostly me prompting him to tell it, but just prior to the camera coming out, he had told in detail to Jonathan the entire story. Of course it went much like this:
...incoherent babble..."cow" (pointing at the cow)
...blah blah.."boom, crash" (waving hand on the floor)
...babble..."trash" (pointing at the trash can)
...more babble..."truck" (pointing outside at the curb)

Hopefully you can get the idea from the video. It was much cuter the first time but we weren't quick enough to catch it on video. Still, I'm pretty impressed that he remembered the incident so well like a week later.

Friday, August 8, 2008

18 months

Caleb had his 18 month checkup yesterday. He is now 25 lbs 6 oz and 35 in! He's still about 50th percentile for weight and consistently in the 90s for height. I guess he's going to be a tall kid. Maybe that will serve him well since he'll probably be among the younger of the kids in his class.

We'll have to post a video we took the other day of him retelling to us the story of him breaking something. It's quite cute. Check back later.