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Monday, July 14, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Poor Caleb has been having a rough time since I got back from Hawaii. Every time I hold him, he has a death-grip hug on me and he cries or follows me whenever I leave the room. He is especially having a really hard time going to sleep. I hope he can get over it soon. Not that I mind so much him being clingy. It's kind of nice to get good hugs from him. I'm just glad he's not mad at me for being gone so long.

Caleb has really started doing well with pooping in the potty. A couple of times he has even taken off running for the potty on his own without us even asking if he needs to go. He gets a popsicle as a reward whenever he actually makes it to the potty and really uses it. We're going to be running out of popsicles before long. :)

Within the next couple of weeks, we're hoping to move Caleb to his new bed in his new bedroom. We'll be repainting his current room for the baby. I'm sure it's going to be a challenge keeping him in the bed, but we'll see how it goes.

We'll be sure to document it with pictures and post them here.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Welcome to Blog World! I'm glad you started one so we can "watch" Caleb grow up. I may be wrong but I think this is the time that separation anxiety starts. It's really sad when they start getting upset when you leave. He'll be ok though and you guys will get through it.