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Monday, November 24, 2008

New Blog

For your convenience and reading pleasure, there is now a new, combined blog for Caleb and Esther. Check it out at

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Caleb is now a big brother!

In case for whatever reason you didn't know, Caleb's little sister, Esther Mae, was born Sunday morning! She has her own blog (linked on the right sidebar) at

Caleb had an exciting couple of days as he woke up Sunday to one of Elisha's co-workers at our house and spent the morning playing with his family. By lunch, Elisha's parents had arrived in town, much to his excitement. He has been constantly asking for "buhpa" which means grandpa (but he has also used it for my dad which we call grandad). There is a very slight variation on buhpa which means grandma, but it is quite subtle. Anyway, he picked them out of a crowd driving up to the airport!

His grandparents brought him to visit us in the hospital on Sunday afternoon and he was very glad to see us. At first he showed pretty much zero interest in Esther and was just getting into the normal troube around the hospital room. However, after we tried to get him to say Esther, he came up with this:

Once he got it, he wouldn't stop saying it! I think it sounds like either "Edgar" or "uga". I choose to think it's "Edgar", for obvious reasons, so that's what I'll be telling Esther later in life. :-)

On Monday he visited again. Apparently when he was coming up to the hospital he kept saying Mommy! Daddy! He showed a little more interest in Esther this time, pointing and smiling a couple of times and wanting to look closely once or twice. He stayed for quite a while and wore them both out:

One last thing: we've heard some people say that the older child just knows when the baby is about to come and they get really clingy. That was the case for Caleb! Thursday and Friday he was continually wanting hugs from Elisha, which is pretty unusual for him. These days you're lucky to get a good 3 second hug before bed! But he had to get about 10 hugs before we left him at daycare, and he would start crying and want another when he realized we were walking out the door.

Elisha's mom will be staying to help out probably at least till the weekend, so I'm sure Caleb will have lots more fun interactions with Esther. Not to mention adventures all of his own...